What is Ad Fill Rate and Should You Aim For 100%?
January 8, 2025
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Ad refresh, for me at least, is one of the only few strategies from the ad tech world that’s not here to topple down your user experience or deter your revenue goals. At least not when done right. So, yes, I was a bit surprised when I came across this -
When does your ad refresh go “meh”? Let’s find out.
Ad refresh is a technique used in online advertising to serve new ad creatives to visitors without reloading or adding new ad units to a web page. You can refresh the creatives for the visitor based on certain pre-defined user actions.
At the same time, it is important to note that ad Refresh is not something unrealistically magical. Of course, it will increase your revenue, but the CPM you will get for your refreshed inventories will often be less than before.
The idea behind ad refresh is simple: replace old ads with new ones at regular intervals during a user session. However, the effectiveness of ad refresh hinges on its implementation.
While implementing ad refresh, stay away from the below red flags. If any of the following is flurrying, it’s time to refresh your ad refresh strategy.
To avoid these pitfalls, you should employ data-driven strategies that respect user engagement, set appropriate ad refresh timers based on actual user behavior, and continuously monitor the impact of ad refreshes on both user experience and ad performance.
Ad refresh can be an effective tool for publishers to maximize ad revenue, but it must be implemented carefully. Here are some best practices for ad refresh:
Optimize refresh rate:
The refresh rate of an ad should be optimized to ensure that it does not negatively impact the user experience. A refresh rate of 30-60 seconds is generally considered reasonable.
Also, ads on pages with longer content, such as in-depth articles, can be refreshed more slowly since users spend more time reading. For shorter content, consider user engagement signals like scroll depth or interaction with page elements to determine the best timing for refreshes. The goal is to ensure that ads have enough exposure time to be noticed and acted upon by the user without being seen as intrusive or annoying.
Remember - Only when more than 51% of the ad is visible should refresh be initiated.
Monitor ad viewability:
You should track ad viewability to ensure that ads are visible to the user. If an ad is not visible, it is ineffective, and advertisers may not continue advertising on the publisher's website. Aim for 80% viewability.
Remember - If a user is in a separate tab from where the ad is displayed or another window obscures more than 50% of the page content in their browser, publishers shouldn’t refresh the ads.
Be transparent:
You should be transparent about your use of ad refresh and ensure that your demand partners (ad networks, exchanges, and SSPs) know the refresh rate.
The details must include information such as the type of refresh, i.e., event, action, engagement, or time-based, and the refreshed impression's position in the sequence of refreshed ads, if possible.
Test and optimize:
Publishers should test different refresh rates and monitor the performance of ads to optimize the refresh rate for maximum revenue and user satisfaction.
Remember - Start with a high refresh rate and gradually decrease it over time. For example, you can start with a refresh rate of 90 seconds and gradually reduce it to 60 seconds or less.
The refresh rate should be continuously tested and improved over time, considering changes in user behavior, ad formats, and other factors affecting performance.
Innovation and your competitive advancement go hand in hand. Trying the traditional ad refresh solution, where you implement the technology based on the following triggers, is no longer effective -
Based on any of the above set triggers, the ad refresh JavaScript code will call the server to serve a new ad.
Well, it’s time for innovation now, where your user experience and activity are paramount. And that is exactly what Mile’s Smart ad refresh is for.
Our smart ad refresh works on active exposure time. As the name states, the technology smartly observes the interaction of the user with your page, content, and ad. It goes into the granular details and then decides whether or not to call the ad server for a new ad. It is all about refreshing ads not randomly but smartly based on user engagement and visibility.
Let’s understand this in a bit of detail:
Smart ad refresh is not just about serving more ads; it's about serving better ads. By focusing on user engagement and viewability, Smart ad refresh ensures that ads are not just seen but also interacted with, creating a win-win situation for both publishers and advertisers.
Challenges in the digital ecosystem are many. But I would love to mumble Hamlet here -
“Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.”
Unwind Media revealed the test result of one of the experiments it has been running for a long with ad refresh (and that exactly works like Smart ad refresh!!)
Unwind Media implemented an extra trigger to their ad refresh setup. Now, instead of the ad slot just being visible, the user also needed to be active for ads to qualify for refresh. This approach involved tracking user actions like clicks, scrolls, and touch starts, with a 60-second inactivity threshold to deem a user idle and stop ad requests.
Despite the pre apprehensions expecting a dip in revenue, the result awed everyone.
For publishers, ad refresh is vital to optimize revenue and maintain a favorable website user experience. It enables you to showcase new and pertinent ads to your viewers, elevating the chances of clicks and conversions.
Nevertheless, you must balance the frequency of ads and user experience to prevent overwhelming your audience with excess ads. Moreover, you should prioritize open communication and transparency with your demand partners to foster a healthy relationship and ensure ethical and efficient ad refresh practices.
Ad refresh can be a potent instrument for publishers to enhance their monetization strategy and enrich their audience experience. The only thing needed is - innovation.
January 23, 2025