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Choosing the Right Ad Formats in the Age of Ad Fatigue and Blindness
Ad Formats

Choosing the Right Ad Formats in the Age of Ad Fatigue and Blindness

Abhilasha Sandilya
March 12, 2024
April 25, 2024

The way ads appear on your website decides many things. From whether users will get irritated, bored, or excited to whether advertisers will further do business with you or not. Everything depends on how they appear on your website. Ad placement follows. 

Readers/viewers are now ready to spend extra bucks just for an ad-free experience. To counteract this and keep your ad-free users from inflating, you need strategies to enhance their experience. 

Remember, in many cases, the audience’s negative feelings generated by the chaotic and obnoxious user experience on your website transfer to the advertiser brand. It is capable enough of damaging your and their brand perception.

Choosing the right and creative ad format plays a decisive role in shaping your user experience and maximizing ad revenue. 

So, we are going to discuss a few formats that you must have. We have tried to include special and new features that you can add to change the experience. Let’s dig in. 

Rich Media Ads

Rich media ads are dynamic and interactive display ads with various multimedia elements such as text, images, and videos. They can be displayed in different sizes and locations on a web page, providing advertisers with more creative and engaging options to capture the audience's attention.

Users can interact with the ad by clicking, hovering, or swiping. These ads can dynamically change content based on user interaction or external data. Plus, rich media ads provide detailed metrics on user interactions, such as the number of expansions, video plays, and engagement time.

Expandable ads, in-read videos, and interstitial ads come under rich media ads. 

To integrate rich media ads, you will need:

  1. Responsive ad containers that can dynamically adjust to the size of the rich media ad content. 
  2. Partnership with ad servers and ad networks that support rich media ads. Ad servers like Google Ad Manager offer the technology needed to serve complex ad formats without interrupting the site's performance.
  3. An interactive website to accommodate ads that may expand or require user interaction. This might mean leaving sufficient space around ad units or ensuring that interactive elements don't overlap with crucial site content.
  4. Optimize your site to handle the additional load times and test across all devices and browsers. 

Native Ads

These ads are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding content, making them less intrusive than traditional display ads. 

Native ads can be sponsored content, native in-feed ads, or ads integrated within the podcast. In-feed native ads appear in the same format as other content within a website's feed, such as articles, news stories, or product listings.  

Content recommendation is another native ad format. These ads appear towards the end of the articles. Promoted listings are the native ads famous on e-commerce websites. These ads appear in product listings or search results, styled similarly to the other listings but marked as sponsored.

Sponsored or branded content are articles, videos, or other media produced by or in collaboration with advertisers. These are designed to entertain, inform, or engage the site's audience while promoting a brand or product.

To integrate native ads, you will need:

  1. Native ad units that mimic the look and feel of your site's content, including font styles, colors, and layout.
  2. Clearly label native ads using terms like "sponsored" or "promoted" to maintain transparency and trust with your audience.
  3. Place native ads in positions where readers are already engaged, such as within article feeds, between paragraphs of content, or alongside related articles.
  4. Ensure that native ads are responsive, meaning they adjust seamlessly across different screen sizes and devices. 
  5. Use A/B testing to find the most effective placements for native ads on your site. 

Display/Banner Ads

A massive myth making its rounds in the market is - Banner ads are dead.

No. Just for the sake of its simplicity and affordability, it is here and is going to stay for long. Advertisers love it as they are affordable, and publishers love it as they are easier to host. 

They are simple and to the point. One way to make more money out of it is to mix it with innovation.

Banner ads are inexpensive.

There are two types of banner ads - static (the traditional one you often come across) and Interactive (that you desire to come across). Interactive banner ads go beyond static images by incorporating elements that users can interact with, such as games, quizzes, or sliders.

To integrate banner ads, you will need:

  1. As is valid with any, you will need to create ad spaces that align with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) standard sizes.
  2. A flexible website layout that we have discussed earlier. 
  3. Place ads strategically to avoid disrupting the user experience. But be mindful of their viewability. 
  4. A/B testing, selection of ad servers and networks, and loading optimization are a few best practices that you will need to follow with any ad formats. 

Floating Ads

An ad that appears to float over a webpage's primary content. This ad format is typically implemented in a way that it moves or remains in a fixed position as the user scrolls through the content, ensuring that the ad remains visible to the user for a longer duration.

Floating ads are highly visible. They can appear in various positions on the screen, such as the bottom corner, side, or center, and can sometimes be animated to move or expand.

But you have to add interactive elements like close or expand. To create a floating ad, you can use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure the ad can appear over the webpage content and remain positioned as the user scrolls.

Point worth noting: Floating ad formats are often preferred and reserved for video ads. Worth the effort and investment, isn’t it?

To integrate floating ads, you will need:

  1. Position them in areas that are less intrusive to the user's reading or navigation experience. Preferably the bottom corners or sides of the screen.
  2. The close button must be viewable and easily accessible.
  3. Consider implementing a delay before the ad appears or limiting the display frequency to reduce intrusiveness.
  4. A responsive design to ensure they adapt to various screen sizes and devices without disrupting the user experience.
  5. Keep the file size of floating ads low to minimize impact on page load times.
  6. A/B testing, selection of ad servers and networks, and other loading optimization follow. 

Video Ads

These ads can be standalone video content or play before, during, or after other video content on a website.

Some of the unique video ad formats are -

  • 360-degree video ads allow viewers to control their perspective within the video, looking around in all directions for an immersive experience. 
  • Interactive video ads include clickable areas or hotspots that can perform actions like opening a link or branching narratives where viewers can choose the direction of the story.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) video ads offer highly immersive experiences.
  • Shoppable video ads allow viewers to directly purchase products within the ad itself, simplifying the buying journey. An important point here is that “shoppable ads” can be used with banners or rich media ads, too. 

To integrate video ads, you will need:

  1. Your website must be compatible with these ad formats. Ensure that the infrastructure can support the high bandwidth and processing power required for streaming high-quality video content.
  2. Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve load times and performance for video content.
  3. Use video players that are compatible with the diverse formats of the video ads. 
  4. For VR and AR content, you may need specialized players that can integrate with VR headsets or mobile device sensors.
  5. For 360-degree videos and other immersive formats, provide clear instructions or cues on how viewers can interact with the content.
  6. Consider the video's placement carefully, ensuring it complements rather than competes with your content. 
  7. A/B testing, selection of ad servers and networks, and loading optimization follow. 

Remember - you don’t need to be very jazzy with the video ad formats. Video ads as a format are something all publishers must have. They are interactive and highly effective in increasing your revenue. You can get started with simple video ads, which are highly effective, too. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Ad Formats

1. Target Audience and Demographics

Understanding your target audience and their preferences is crucial before selecting the ad formats. It allows you to choose the ad formats that resonate the most with your audience and drive better engagement and revenue.

Consider age, gender, location, and interests when deciding which ad formats resonate with your audience. 

For example, if your website caters to a younger demographic, you might find that video or interactive ads are more effective in engaging your audience than traditional banner ads.

2. Website Layout and Design

Ensure your ad format complements your website's aesthetics and doesn't detract from the overall user experience. For instance, an ad that’s breaking your website layout or impacting user interaction is not good to have. 

3. Ad Placement and Positioning

Consider strategic ad placements, such as above the fold or within the content, ensuring that users see and engage with your ads. 

Remember that overcrowded or poorly placed ads can deter users from engaging with your content and may result in lower ad revenue.

4. Ad Sizes

Ad formats come in various sizes and dimensions, making it essential to choose an ad size that fits seamlessly within your website's layout. Here are some ad size recommendations by AdSense that have been shown to perform well based on industry benchmarks and best practices.

  • 300 x 250: This size, also known as a medium rectangle, is one of the most popular ad sizes and can fit well in different locations on a web page
  • 728 x 90: This size, also known as a leaderboard, is often used for display/banner ads and can be placed at the top or bottom of a web page.
  • 336 x 280: This size, also known as a large rectangle, is another popular ad size and can be placed within content or at the end of a page.

Test multiple ad sizes to determine which ones work best for your website and audience. Factors such as the type of content, placement, and audience preferences can impact the ad's effectiveness.

For example, if your website has a lot of long-form content, you might find that a larger ad size, such as the 728 x 90 leaderboard works better than a smaller size.

5. Ad Frequency and Rotation:

Overloading your website with too many ads can lead to user frustration and cause them to avoid ads altogether, also known as 'banner blindness.' Resulting in low ad viewability, reduced demand, and lower CPMs.

Ad rotation can be implemented to address this issue. This practice involves displaying different ads within a single ad unit to prevent ad fatigue and blindness. By rotating ads, you can ensure that users do not see the same ad repeatedly, thereby mitigating banner blindness.

Instead, they are exposed to various relevant and engaging ads, which can keep them interested and engaged with your website. Here are some tips on implementing ad rotation for your website:

  1. Choose multiple relevant ads to rotate and maintain user interest.
  2. Determine the optimal rotation frequency based on content and user behavior.
  3. Monitor ad performance and use metrics to make adjustments if needed.

6. Ad Content and Messaging: 

Ad content and messaging are critical components of a successful advertising strategy for publishers. They should ensure that the ads displayed on their website are relevant, engaging, and aligned with the audience's interests. This can lead to better engagement, clicks, and revenue.

Several studies have shown personalized and relevant ads can significantly impact consumer behavior. The findings of a Statista survey showed that -

In the United States, personalized ads were preferred by 81% of Generation Z respondents and 57% of millennials in 2022.

personalized ad content keep users engaged.

According to McKinsey, personalizing ad content based on user behavior is crucial to meet consumer expectations, driving revenue growth, and building strong customer relationships. 

Research shows that 76% of consumers get frustrated when companies do not deliver personalized interactions.

Personalized ad content brings good result for publishers.

Best Practices for Ad Formats

1. Follow industry standards - Adhere to guidelines and standards set forth by organizations like the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to maintain a professional and trustworthy appearance for your website. Ensure you’re:

  • Using clear and concise language
  • Being transparent about sponsored content
  • Avoiding intrusive ad formats
  • Respecting user privacy

2. A/B testing - Experimenting with different ad formats, placements, and sizes is crucial to identifying the most effective options for your website. 

A/B testing involves displaying two or more variations of an ad to your audience and measuring their performance. 

By comparing the results, you can gain insights into which ad formats perform better and make data-driven decisions to optimize your ad strategy. 

Remember to test one variable at a time, such as ad format or placement, to determine which factor accurately influences the performance.

2. Analyzing ad performance metrics - Some key metrics to track include click-through rate (CTR), revenue per thousand impressions (RPM), and viewability. CTR helps you understand how engaging your ads are, while RPM provides insights into the overall revenue generated by your ads.

Viewability is a metric used in digital advertising to measure the extent to which an ad has been displayed and is actually viewable to a user. You can also try the ‘attention metric’. By keeping an eye on these metrics, you can identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions to enhance your ad performance.

3. Balancing user experience and ad revenue - While optimizing your ad strategy for revenue is essential, it's equally important to maintain a positive user experience on your website.

Avoid overcrowding your website with ads or overly intrusive ad formats that may deter users. Examples of intrusive ad formats include pop-ups, auto-playing videos, and full-screen ads that block the content.

Just Saying

The key to success lies in experimentation and continuous improvement. 

Ads impact users, and many don’t want to see them. A kind of universal truth impacting all the formats of content. This makes the market more competitive.  

Advertisers want to reach the screen of their targeted customers in any way possible. So, as a publisher, you need to keep on coming up with innovative and improvised formats of ads and dynamic placements that can target even ad-free readers/viewers. 

Do you know -

Roku, a streaming device, is monetizing its home screen now with “marquee spots”. The viewers (including premium ad-free subscribers)  are served ads on the home screen reserved for content suggestions.

Be creative with you ad efforts.

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