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Google MCM
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Everything about Google MCM

Simran Saluja
April 13, 2024
April 25, 2024

Every publisher wants the best value for their ad inventory and high-volume website traffic. However, most publishers don’t know which route to take after hitting a break even on AdSense. There are several ways you could monetize your ad inventory, but if you want the most value for every impression, reach an even larger audience, and manage your entire ad business from one easy-to-use platform – Google Ad Exchange is the way to go.

However, it is not as simple as turning on the switch.

Google Ad Exchange, also known as Google AdX, is not easily accessible. It is a closed community, and Google only gives access to those who meet its eligibility criteria. However, if you do not meet the criteria to hold a Google AdX account, Google has created another route for you:

Wondering what’s the difference and which one to choose?

Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP): As the name suggests, a GCPP is a handpicked, Google-verified publishing partner with in-depth knowledge and proven track records in maximizing ad revenue for publishers like you.

It is a badge of quality and assurance worn by ad tech partners who utilize the latest Google products and innovative tech tailored to your specific needs to deliver the required results.

Google Multiple Customer Management (MCM) Program: In this program, Google allows third-party providers (channel partners or publishers) who fulfill strict quality criteria to consult, represent, and manage networks or inventory on your behalf. 

The striking difference between the two is that the Google MCM channel partner only consults you to improve your ad monetization efforts by managing your ad inventory in the Google AdExchange. Whereas a GCPP provides you not only access to Google AdExchange but also offers a one-stop stop for all your ad monetization needs.

While having a Google Certified Publishing Partner by your side is a blessing in disguise, we’ll only cover the Google Multiple Customer Management Program in this blog. 

So, What is the Google MCM Program?

Google MCM program helps publishers like you get access to Google Ad Exchange services and its demand via a third-party partner who already has an AdX account.

The MCM program lets you choose exactly what your partner can do for you. Need help to sell selected ad inventory? Sure. Want them to handle everything? You got it.

But you might think, "Hold on a sec, letting someone else access my ad inventory?" Don't worry, because you are still the boss. 

As you will be sharing complete access, so Google makes sure that your partners are secured and verified. That is one of the many reasons why there are only a few MCM partners available for publishers in the market. 

Here are a few basic things you should know before we understand the ways you can work with an MCM partner:

  • Google Multiple Customer Management (MCM) program works within the Google Ad Manager 360 ecosystem.
about multiple customer management
  • Google MCM partners can provide consultation, representation, and management of inventories on your behalf, establishing a parent-child relationship.
  • The term "parent publisher" denotes the third-party company or an AdTech company who have the Google AdExchange access. Conversely, "child publisher" refers to you (the publisher) joining the MCM program to have your ad inventory managed.

MCM Partner Delegation Type

There are two types of delegation in MCM you should know about. These delegations, or rather partnerships, work depending on how much control you want to hand over.

  1. Full access - “Manage Account”

Basically, your partner gets the whole kit - full access to your Ad Manager account. They can review, manage, and sell all your ad inventory directly. 

This option is ideal if you want your partner to take complete control and also if you don't mind if they have access to everything. They will be the ones making all the decisions and pulling the levers but under your supervision.

  1. Partial access – “Manage Inventory”

Here, things are more collaborative. You give your MCM partner access to specific parts of your ad inventory. They can only sell those sections and handle the day-to-day stuff.

This option is good if you want your partner's expertise without giving them complete control. You can choose which parts of your inventory they can manage and keep an eye on the bigger picture.

Here is a more detailed difference between the two delegation types:


The Real Deal: Why Use Google MCM Program?

The Google MCM program is here to supercharge your ad revenue. Here is the deal, everyone knows Google AdX is the king of ad exchanges – 93% of US publishers are using Google AdX. It's where the big bucks are, with top-tier advertisers ready to pay the real value for your inventory and audience. 

By teaming up with an MCM partner, you can;

  1. Unlock AdX demand: Gain access to Google's premium ad exchange, AdX, where top advertisers compete for your audience.
  2. Boost ad revenue: Get more competition for your ad space, which means higher CPMs and potentially more revenue.
  3. Easily manage premium deals: Manage Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals directly through MCM for additional income.
  4. Expand your reach: Access other premium ad exchanges beyond AdX via Open Bidding, reaching a wider pool of advertisers.
  5. Enhanced security: Your MCM partner can act as a watchdog, filtering out click fraud and invalid traffic for a safer ad environment.
  6. Ditch adSense limitations: Move beyond AdSense restrictions and unlock the full monetization potential of your website.

How To Access Google MCM Program?

All right. So, you have heard all about Google MCM and want to access it to make that extra revenue. But, before you access the MCM program, there are a few steps to ensure you qualify through Google’s stringent policies:

Step 1: MCM Eligibility Check

If you want to join the Google MCM program, you have to pass Google’s vibe check. Here’s what you have to pass:

  • Your website should pass Google's verification process.
  • No copyright infringement violations hanging over your head.
  • Your site should steer clear of promoting anything sensitive, like adult content, violence, or gambling.
  • Make sure your website has that all-important ads.txt file in place.

If you pass this eligibility test, you can get on to the next step of getting onboard a partner to maximize value for your inventory.

Step 2: Find Your MCM Partner

Not all partners are created equal. You need someone certified by Google who's an expert in ad fraud protection and keeping your account safe. 

Here's the plan:

  • Do your research: Find a qualified MCM partner with a good track record. Google sets high standards, so make sure your partner does that, too.

Also, instead of looking for just an MCM partner, it’s better if you look for a Google Certified Publishing Partner. It’s because, with a GCPP,  like Mile, you will not only have access to Google MCM but also have a plethora of other Google features. Working with a GCPP also means that you will work with a partner Google has selected after a rigorous evaluation, and the partner has a proven track record of success.

Moreover, having a GCPP partner will give you early access to Google’s products, exclusive and tailored training programs, and a dedicated strategic partner manager.

  • Talk it out: Contact your chosen partner to discuss your goals and what you expect from the partnership.

Step 3: Control Level, Choose Your Style

As described earlier, there are two ways to work with an MCM partner, depending on how much control you want over your ads:

  • Manage Account: Here, your partner handles everything in your ad account (GAM) for a share of the revenue. You can still monitor things, but they do most of the work.
  • Manage Inventory: You give your partner access to specific ad space on your website, not your entire account. They manage the ad requests from their own system.

Step 4: Make it Official (Get That GPT Tag)

Once you have chosen your partner and control level, it's time to connect your accounts. Your MCM partner will provide you with a GPT ad tag to add to your website. This tag instructs your website to display ads from the program. 

Here's an example of what a GPT ad tag looks like:

GPT ad tag look
Source: HeaderBidding

Know that this tag includes two network codes:

  1. Your network code: This identifies your ad space within the program (usually represented by the shorter code, like '1234' in the example).
  2. Partner's network code: This identifies the MCM partner (usually represented by the longer code, like '1234567' in the example).

Double-check that the GPT code itself is correct and that both network codes are placed accurately within the .defineSlot() function of the tag. This is an important step, as it ensures the ads are delivered and displayed properly.

Step 5: Set Up and Start Earning

Work with your partner to configure your ad space and how you want the ads to display. This depends on what you decide in step 3.

Step 6: Keep an Eye on Your Earnings

Don't just set it and forget it. Regularly check how your MCM partner is doing and how much money you are making. Work with them to adjust your strategy for even better results.

Also, remember: EU User Consent Policy

  • You have to adhere to the policy:

All ads in Google's MCM inventory comply with their EU User Consent Policy, which mirrors those strict EU data protection and privacy regulations everyone's talking about.

  • User consent is a must before serving personalized ads:

Transparency is key. Hence, you have to be crystal clear before serving those personalized ads. It's not just about avoiding hefty fines; it's about building trust with your audience.

  • New to the CMP game? No worries. Google's got your back. 

They have got a handy guide that breaks down Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) for you. Read it or ask an AdTech expert to clear up the whole first-party vs. third-party cookie situation.

GCPP Vs. Google MCM

While Google MCM offers valuable features, a GCPP partnership takes your monetization strategy to the next level. Think of it as an exclusive access pass to Google AdX, with benefits far exceeding MCM.

Here’s the difference between GCPP and Google MCM:

Feature Google MCM Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP)
Access to Google AdX Yes Yes
Selection Process Meets Google's criteria (ad fraud protection, policy compliance) Rigorous evaluation by Google, proven track record of success
Expertise Basic Advanced: strategic advice, technical knowledge
Support Limited Dedicated strategic partner manager, real-time adops support
Early Access No Early access to Google's latest ad products
Focus Basic ad management Holistic approach: strategy, optimization, technical expertise
Benefits for Publishers Increased ad revenue Maximum revenue potential, expert guidance, time savings, access to cutting-edge tech

GCPP partners are your personal ad management dream team, which translates into 

  • Strategic advice: Expert insights to optimize your ad strategy.
  • Technical expertise: Helps you with seamless setup and management of complex processes like prebid wrappers for open bidding.
  • High-quality demand: Access to premium demand partners
  • Access to innovative tech: Smart refresh, dynamic pricing, and more.

They also help you adhere to Google quality standards, which frees you to focus on what matters most – creating incredible content that keeps your audience hooked.

Your Next Step

Google wants the best for publishers and ensures that it offers the best possible methods to improve their ad monetization. So, whether you choose Google MCM or GCPP, you’ll work with someone who meets Google’s selection criteria. However, as is quite evident, choosing a GCPP over MCM seems a smart move.

If you are a publisher who wants to supercharge your monetization efforts, a GCPP partner like Mile is the answer. Mile provides you everything under the umbrella of MCM and more. Isn’t that perfect. Plus our innovative tech and expert team are there to keep you always a step ahead in this competitive landscape. Sign up now!

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