In alliance with

A platform that uplifts you every step of the way

Outsourcing ad management

Partner right:

Redefine your ad management backed by the highest possible revenue. You set a new standard for every key metric that matters - high quality ads, exclusive demand, AI-powered tech, and real-time ad ops support.

Move in-house:

Experience unmatched control and returns by moving your ad management in-house but without spending the years, resources, and cost it takes. Going in-house does not have to be gut-wrenching.

Managing your ads in-house

Scale effectively:

Managing your ads in-house does not have to be complicated when you do it with a scalable platform that gives you greater control, efficiency, and reliability. Without spending years of development time.

Plug and play:

Bridge any gaps in your existing in-house ad tech stack with plug and play tools. Scale your ad operations and upgrade your ad technology with a variety of advanced tools offering seamless integration.

Automatad earned 70% higher ad revenue. Also, a 77% higher return on ads. 

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Publishers benefiting from ad management that is cut out for them

Four of the many reasons you’ll fall in love with us

Higher Flexibility

An independent publisher on the verge of moving to an in-house setup or an enterprise that has built its own ad tech stack - we have a solution made specifically for you.


Each tool, service, and dashboard that we offer to you is made with a core value of keeping things transparent - own your ad stack with terms and models that work for you.


Experience the real power of machine learning that makes testing, implementing, and optimizing faster and smarter - while saving the time and resources it takes to do so.


With over a decade of providing 24*7 white glove ad ops support and services, it is not only publishers who trust us - we are a Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Words backed by numbers. Some really great numbers.

A leading publisher with a monthly impression volume of 200 million was navigating through the challenge of relying predominantly on Google Ad Manager (GAM) for its revenue.

With dynamic floor pricing, the Prebid revenue contribution increased from a mere 10% to 21% in just six weeks.

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, we’ve got you.

Work with an expert that Google recommends to publishers for maximizing their revenue potential and making more informed decisions to strengthen their bottom line.

Know more

We have said enough. Here’s what our partners say.

Experience ad management that is perfected for your stage and scale

We can't wait to get started. Sign up now.

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You know best what your business needs. Choose that.

In-Housing Solution

Build an in-house setup with expert resources, lesser cost, and absolute ease.

Ad Management

Effortlessly maximize your ad revenue with a partner that makes your performance unbeatable.

Plug & Play Tools

Pick from a variety of advanced tools to bridge gaps in your ad tech stack with seamless integration.